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Single Remedies A-Z

The remedies are available in either globule form - 7 grams (approximately 280 globules) in amber glass vials; or drop form - 30ML amber glass dropper bottles;

The remedies are in the following potencies;

GLOBULES:  6c, 12c, 30c, 200c, 1M, 5M, 10M, 50M, and LM1 to LM30.

DROPS: The same as above, plus D3 potency in most of the remedies.
If you do see the remedy or potency that your are seeking, please contact us.

To select the potency and your choice of either globules or drops, click on the dropdown to open a list of choices and scroll down to your desired potency and choice of globules or drops.
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Monarda Fistulosa MON-F 9.60
Monarda Fistulosa MON-F 9.60
Monosodium Glutamate MSG 9.60
Morbillinum MORB 9.60
Morgan Gaertner (Paterson) MORG-GAE 9.60
Morgan Pure MORG-P 9.60
Morus Nigra MOR-N 9.60
Moschus Tunquinensis MOSCH 9.60
Mucor Mucedo MUC-M 9.60
Murex Purpurea MURX 9.60
Musca Domestica MUS-D 9.60
Mygale Lasiodora MYGAL 9.60
Myosotis MYOS 9.60
Myrica Cerifera MYRIC 9.60
Myristica Sebifera MYRIS 9.60
Myrrha MYRR 9.60
Myrthus Communis MYRT-C 9.60
Naja Tripudians NAJA 9.60
Naphthalinum NAPH 9.60
Nasturtium Aquaticum NAST-A 9.60
Natrum Arsenicicum NAT-A 9.60
Natrum Bicarbonicum NAT-B 9.60
Natrum Carbonicum NAT-C 9.60
Natrum Chloratum NAT-CH 9.60
Natrum Hypochloricum NAT-H 9.60
Natrum Hyposulphis NAT-HS 9.60
Natrum Iodatum NAT-I 9.60
Natrum lacticum NAT-L 9.60
Natrum Muriaticum NAT-M 9.60
Natrum Nitricum NAT-N 9.60
Natrum Phosphoricum NAT-P 9.60
Natrum Salicylicum NAT-SAL 9.60
Natrum Silicicum NAT-SIL 9.60
Natrum Sulphuricum NAT-S 9.60
Negundo Americanus NEG-A 9.60
Nepenthes NEPEN 9.60
Nepeta Cataria NEP-C 9.60
Newsprint NEWSPRINT 9.60
Niccolum Carbonicum NICC-C 9.60
Niccolum Metallicum NICC 9.60
Niccolum Sulphuricum NICC-S 9.60
Nigella Damascena NIG-D 9.60
Nuphar Luteum NUPH 9.60
Nux Moschata NUX-M 9.60
Nux Vomica = Colubrina NUX-V 9.60
Nylon NYLON 9.60
Ocimum Canum OCI 9.60
Oenanthe Crocata OENA 9.60
Oenothera Biennis OENO-B 9.60
Okoubaka OKOU 9.60
Oleander OLND 9.60
Oleum Animalis OL-AN 9.60
Oleum Jecoris Aselli OL-J 9.60
Olibanum OLIB 9.60
Ononis Spinosa ONO-S 9.60
Onosmodium Virginianum ONOS-V 9.60
Oopherinum OOPH 9.60
Oreodaphne OREO 9.60
Origanum Majorana ORIG 9.60
Origanum Vulgare ORIG-V 9.60
Ornithogalum Umbellatum ORN-U 9.60
Osmium OSM 9.60
Ostrya Virginica OST-V 9.60
Ovi Gallinae Pellicula OV-G-P 9.60
Oxalis Acetosa OX-A 9.60
Oxytropis OXYT 9.60
Paeonia Officinalis PAEN 9.60
Palladium Metallicum PALL 9.60
Paraffinum PARA 9.60
Parathyroid PTHY 9.60
Pareira Brava PAREIR 9.60
Parietaria PARIET 9.60
Paris Quadrifolia PAR 9.60
Parotidinum PAROT 9.60
Parthenium PARTH 9.60
Passiflora Incarnata PASS-I 9.60
Pediculus PED 9.60
Pertussin PERT 9.60
Petasites Officinalis PETA-O 9.60
Petivera Tetrandra PETI 9.60
Petroleum PETR 9.60
Petroselinum Sativum PETROS 9.60
Peumus Boldus PEUM-B 9.60
Phaseolus Nanus PHAS-N 9.60
Phaseolus Vulgaris PHAS-V 9.60
Phellandrium Aquaticum PHEL 9.60
Phleum Pratense PHLE-P 9.60
Phosphorus PHOS 9.60
Phyllanthus Niruri PHYL-NIR 9.60
Physalis Alkekengi PHYS-A 9.60
Physostigma Venenosa PHYS 9.60
Phytolacca Berry Juice PHYT-B 9.60
Phytolacca Decandra PHYT 9.60
Pilocarpus PILOC 9.60
Pilosella PILOS 9.60
Pimpinella Saxifraga PIMP-S 9.60
Pinus Sylvestris PIN-S 9.60
Piper Angustifolium PIP-A 9.60
Piper Methysticum PIP-M 9.60
Piper Nigrum PIP-N 9.60
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Quantity Discounts:

$200 - $300 10%
$301 - $500 20%
$501 - more 30%



All prices are in CAD$
Minimum order is $20.00 before taxes.
All prices are subject to change without notice.
If you don't see remedy listed contact us.
Return Policy - No return or exchange on homeopathic products.

Shipping Details:

On orders of $100.00 or less there will be a $20.00 shipping fee.
Orders greater than $100.00 we cover the cost of shipping.  This applies to Canadian orders only. 
USA orders, shipping is $28.45 CAD.

Terms of Shipping  March 1, 2024

We ship by Canada Post.  By accepting Canada Post's service you are agreeing to Canada Post's terms of service.  If this is not suitable your order can be picked up at 239 Wallace Avenue. Failing this, you can arrange your own delivery service: for example Fedex.
Please note: for our USA customers we only ship by Canada Post.